Fish Similar Videos
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Fish Life History: An Important Role in Fisheries Management
Understanding fish life histories—or how a fish ages, grows, and reproduces throughout its life—is key to sustainably managing fisheries. Learn how scientists determine a fish’s life history profile and how we can support healthy fish populations.
Hawaii's Deep 7 Fishery - Part 2
This short video describes the Hawaii Deep 7 bottomfish fishery with emphasis on the history, cultural importance, stock assessment, and cooperative development of the Bottomfish fishery-Independent Survey in Hawaii (BFISH). Part 2 of 4.
Reintroductions: A Lifeline for Salmon in California’s Central Valley
Dams with no fish passage have trapped salmon on the floor of California's Central Valley. To avoid extinction as our planet warms, reintroductions to their historical high-elevation habitat may be the answer to save these endangered fish.