B-Roll: Southern Resident Killer Whale (J35) with Her Dead Calf (J61) and a Healthy Newborn Calf (J62) on January 1, 2025
On January 1, 2025, scientists captured video near Seattle, WA of J35 with her dead calf (J61). The calf was first seen on 12/20. They also captured video of a healthy, robust calf (J62—mother currently unknown), which was born between 12/24 & 12/30.
B-Roll_Southern Resident Killer Whale Mother With New Calf
Southern Resident Killer Whale mother, L90, with her new calf, L128. This video was captured by joint a science team including SeaDoc Society, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, and NOAA Fisheries. Footage was taken on September 15 and 19, 2024.
NOAA Science Camp 2021: Tag Along with Killer Whale Researchers as They Solve Scientific Mysteries
How do we study endangered Southern Resident killer whales? Join us to find out how NOAA uses creative techniques and tools to study effects of disturbance, health, foraging behavior and acoustics of whales who spend most of their lives underwater.
B-Roll: DTAG Research and Vessel Traffic Near Southern Resident Killer Whales
Select footage of NOAA scientists affixing a DTAG to a Southern Resident killer whale and vessel traffic near killer whales in Puget Sound. Research conducted under NMFS-authorized ESA/MMPA permit.
Southern California Steelhead: A Forgotten Treasure
Once abundant enough to support a recreational fishery, southern California steelhead are now listed as endangered due to habitat loss with many southern California residents forgetting they share the landscape with this coastal treasure.
Killer Whales at Night: Helping Protect Southern Residents
Little is known about what killer whales do at night. To learn more, scientists use suction cup tags called DTAGs that can monitor whales’ nighttime behavior and responses to noise. Learn how this new information could help better protect the whales.
J50 Social Media Montage
B-Roll: Southern Resident Killer Whale J50 Feeding Trials
August 12, 2018. Live Chinook salmon feeding trials for J50.
B-Roll: Southern Resident Killer Whale J50– Aerials of Breath Sampling, Antibiotic Administration, J Pod; Salmon Release
August 10 & 12, 2018. Aerials of the response team on a skiff tracking J50 for the collection of a breath sample and antibiotic administration; aerials of J Pod swimming; topside footage of Chinook salmon release through tube as an evaluation.
B-Roll: Southern Resident Killer Whale J50 - Antibiotic Injection Prep & Breath Sampling
August 9, 2018. Approach of killer whale J50 from the J Pod for antibiotic injection and breath sampling. Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington, USA
B-Roll: Southern Resident Killer Whale J50 - Tracking by Researchers
July 21, 2018. Approach of killer whale J50 from the J Pod for breath sampling. Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington, USA
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