B-Roll: Red Snapper, Schooling
Gulf of Mexico red snapper schooling underwater. 1:00 min.
B-Roll: BP Oil Spill - Underwater Plume & Aerial Topside Slick on Water
Deepwater Horizon Spill also known as the BP Oil Spill, Macondo Well Blowout, and Mississippi Canyon 252. Underwater footage of oil spill plume and aerial footage of slick on water surface. Credit BP for underwater footage, NOAA for aerial footage.
B-Roll: False Killer Whale Stranding
B-Roll: Corals of the Pacific Ocean
Some corals of the Pacific Ocean.
B-Roll: Corals of the Atlantic, Gulf, Keys, and Caribbean
Select footage of corals along the southeast of the U.S / Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, Florida Keys, and the Caribbean.
B-Roll: Octopus, Giant Pacific, Research in Alaska
B-roll of Giant Pacific Octopus underwater, research aboard boat.
B-Roll: Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook
Underwater footage of adults and juveniles in pens at the Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery at Shasta Dam, California
B-Roll: Spinner Dolphins in NW Hawaiian Islands
Underwater footage of a spinner dolphins around Kure Atoll in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands.
B-Roll: Saildrone Launch and Shakedown Cruise
B-Roll: SRKW New Calf (J55) & Dead Neonate, Observed on 1/18/2016
Select footage of a new killer whale calf (J55) born to the southern resident population. In the same encounter on January 18, 2016, scientists also witnessed J31, a 20-year old female, pushing a dead neonate calf.
B-Roll: Entangled Blue Whale
Underwater footage of a blue whale's fluke entangled in line. Filmed on June 27, 2016 near Dana Point, southern California under NOAA MMHSRP Permit #18786.
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