Species in the Spotlight: Saving the Most Endangered Marine Animals
NOAA Fisheries manages more than 165 marine species listed as threatened or endangered. We created the Species in the Spotlight initiative to help these species recover to the point where they can be taken off the endangered species list.
Species in the Spotlight: Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook
The Sacramento River system is home to the only winter-run Chinook salmon in the world. This unique population is cut off from its historical spawning and rearing habitat, and faces many other threats, but efforts are underway to help it recover.
Species in the Spotlight: Central California Coast Coho Salmon
Central California Coast coho make up the southern-most population of salmon in the U.S., inhabiting rivers and streams north and south of San Francisco Bay. These fish are in danger of extinction, but efforts are underway to bring them back.
Species in the Spotlight: North Atlantic Right Whale
Facing a variety of man-made threats, North Atlantic right whales were listed under the Endangered Species Act in 1970. Once the right whale to hunt, these giants are now the right whales to save.
Species in the Spotlight: Cook Inlet Beluga Whale
There are five populations of beluga whales in Alaska, but only the Cook Inlet population is endangered. This video spotlights the different research projects underway to help recover this species, and how you can help.
Species in the Spotlight: White Abalone Recovery
One of eight abalone species in California, white abalone is critically endangered. Find out what scientists are doing to bring back this iconic sea snail in Southern California.
Species in the Spotlight: Atlantic Salmon
The Atlantic salmon is the only species of salmon native to the east coast of the U.S. Once celebrated as the “king of fish,” only 1% of the historic population remains. This video spotlights efforts to recover their population, and how you can help.
Species In The Spotlight: Hawaiian Monk Seal
Predation, marine debris, starvation, disease and fisheries interactions are the main threats to the critically low population of Hawaiian Monk seals.
Species in the Spotlight: Pacific Leatherback Turtle
Critically low populations of Pacific Leatherback sea turtles have put them in the spotlight for increased aid and attention. These sea turtles suffer from many threats. Find out what NOAA is doing and what you can do to help recover them.
Species in the Spotlight: Southern Resident Killer Whale
Southern Resident killer whales are one of NOAA Fisheries' Species in the Spotlight. What factors are contributing to this unique population's failure to thrive? Is there a plan for saving this endangered species? Watch the video for the answers.