Meet John Atkinson: Salmon in the Ocean Storyteller
Join us as we travel through their lifecycle and meet storytellers, like John Atkinson, who are connected to and rely on salmon in unique and meaningful ways.
Permiso Comercial Caribeño de Botes Pequeños para HMS: Requisitos de Permisos y Reportaje
Conozca más sobre uno de los permisos disponibles para la pesca comercial de tiburones, atunes y pez espada en el Caribe Estadounidense. Learn more about the permits available to fish commercially for sharks, tunas, and swordfish in the US Caribbean.
Ocean to Plate: How the Longline Fishery Feeds Hawaii
This video tracks the path fish caught in the Hawaiʻi longline fishery, such as yellowfin tuna and swordfish, takes from the ocean to your plate - in the form of poke bowls, sushi, and other delicious meals.
The Future of Fisheries: Unraveling the Effects of Climate Change in Alaska
Alaska's climate is changing. In the last five years, dramatic changes have affected marine life and the seafood we depend on. How will species respond? That's the main question that our specialized laboratory in Newport, Oregon, aims to answer.
Oceanic Fish Restoration Project - Fishermen Restoring Fish in the Gulf of Mexico
The Deepwater Horizon Oceanic Fish Restoration Project worked with fishermen across the Gulf of Mexico to help restore fish species impacted by the 2010 spill.
EcoFOCI: Forecasting Fisheries in a Warming Alaska
EcoFOCI is an innovative program that studies early life stages of fish and their prey, together with oceanographic conditions. The goal is to understand the effect of climate change on fisheries and ecosystems.
Fisheries Observers in the Northeast: Behind the Numbers
Observers are a crucial piece of the Northeast fisheries management puzzle. On commercial fishing vessels from Maine to North Carolina, they collect data that form the basis of stock assessments. Learn more about the people behind the numbers!
What Does It Take to be a Fisheries Observer in the Northeast?
What does it take to be a Northeast fisheries observer? Find out from current and former observers. Interested? Sign up at https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/resource/data/fishery-monitoring-service-providers-northeast-and-mid-atlantic-programs
Investments in Bycatch Reduction
NOAA Fisheries invests millions of dollars in research to reduce bycatch and keep fisheries sustainable.
Fish Life History: An Important Role in Fisheries Management
Understanding fish life histories—or how a fish ages, grows, and reproduces throughout its life—is key to sustainably managing fisheries. Learn how scientists determine a fish’s life history profile and how we can support healthy fish populations.
Impact of COVID-19 on Pacific Island Fishing Values
The COVID-19 pandemic had global impacts to human health, safety, and livelihoods, including to Pacific Island fisheries. Pacific Islands region fishers share how the pandemic affected their livelihoods and how they adapted.
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