B-Roll: Hawkfish, Dragon Moray, and Parrotfish
Select footage or arceye and blackside hawkfish, dragon morays, and spectacled parrotfish in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Locations include Maro Reef, Kure Atoll, and Midway Island.
B-Roll: Atlantic Salmon
Underwater footage of adult and parr Atlantic salmon. Filmed in Maine.
B-Roll: Sharks
Select footage of sharks including whitetip reef shark, Caribbean reef shark, spiny dogfish (Pacific), tiger shark, Galapagos shark, angel shark, thresher shark, nurse shark and leopard shark.
B-Roll: Salmon - All 5 Pacific Species
Select topside and underwater footage of all five species of Pacific salmon (Chinook, chum, coho, pink, and sockeye) featured in streams and rivers from California to Alaska. Available for download at https://vimeo.com/50235751
B-Roll: Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook
Underwater footage of adults and juveniles in pens at the Livingston Stone National Fish Hatchery at Shasta Dam, California
B-Roll: Red Snapper, Schooling
Gulf of Mexico red snapper schooling underwater. 1:00 min.
B-Roll: Atlantic Blue Marlin
NOAA researchers satellite tagging Atlantic blue marlin in Veracruz, Mexico.
B-Roll: Indo-Pacific Lionfish
Underwater footage of Indo-Pacific lionfish, which is invasive in the Caribbean. B-roll can be downloaded from: https://vimeo.com/120852625
B-Roll: Coral Reefs, Coral Spawning, and Fish
Coral reefs (including coral spawning) and fish from the Gulf of Mexico (Flower Gardens NMS and Florida Keys NMS), and Northwest Hawaiian Islands (Papahanaumokuakea MNM).
Opah Fish Science with Nick Wegner
New research by NOAA Fisheries has revealed the opah, or moonfish, as the first fully warm-blooded fish that circulates heated blood throughout its body much like mammals and birds, giving it a competitive advantage in the cold ocean depths.