B-Roll: Southern Resident Killer Whale (J35) with Her Dead Calf (J61) and a Healthy Newborn Calf (J62) on January 1, 2025
On January 1, 2025, scientists captured video near Seattle, WA of J35 with her dead calf (J61). The calf was first seen on 12/20. They also captured video of a healthy, robust calf (J62—mother currently unknown), which was born between 12/24 & 12/30.
B-Roll_Southern Resident Killer Whale Mother With New Calf
Southern Resident Killer Whale mother, L90, with her new calf, L128. This video was captured by joint a science team including SeaDoc Society, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, and NOAA Fisheries. Footage was taken on September 15 and 19, 2024.
B-Roll: Disentangled Whale Off Kauaʻi
Raw footage from January 28, 2022, after a NOAA-led team freed an entangled humpback whale from 300–500 feet of trailing fishing line.
B-Roll: Entangled Humpback Whale Off Kauaʻi
Raw footage from January 16, 2022, as a NOAA-led team worked to free entangled humpback whale reported off Kauaʻi.
B-Roll: North Pacific Right Whales Near Kodiak Island
Select footage from two sightings of North Pacific right whales on August 21 and 24, 2021. Research conducted onboard the NOAA Ship Oscar Dyson under NMFS ESA/MMPA Permit #20465.
B-Roll: Assessment and Treatment of a Gray Whale
Select footage from a coordinated response to monitor a gray whale that may have developed an infection several months after being satellite tagged in Fall, 2020. New footage from June 15, 2021 shows the whale appears healthy and behaving normally.
B-Roll: Injured Right Whale Calf January 2020
Video of right whale calf and mom Derecha post antibiotics - observing swimming, behavior
B-Roll: Type D Killer Whale Discovery and Sampling
Select footage from an expedition off Cape Horn, Chile that documented a new type of killer whale with different appearance. Researchers obtained a tiny bit of tissue/blubber that will allow them to determine if the “Type D” whales are a new species.
B-Roll: DTAG Research and Vessel Traffic Near Southern Resident Killer Whales
Select footage of NOAA scientists affixing a DTAG to a Southern Resident killer whale and vessel traffic near killer whales in Puget Sound. Research conducted under NMFS-authorized ESA/MMPA permit.
B-Roll: North Atlantic Right Whales with Calves
Select footage of North Atlantic right whale mothers and calves. Some clips include the mother and calf interacting with a pod of dolphins. All footage filmed off the southeast coast of the U.S. in February, 2019.
B-Roll: NOAA Disentanglement Efforts and Entangled Whales
Select footage of large whale disentanglement efforts by NOAA and whales entangled in fishing gear. Featured whale species include the North Atlantic right whale, humpback whale, and gray whale.
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