Do Alaskan Kelp Farms Provide Habitat For Animals?
NOAA researchers are investigating whether seaweed farms in Alaska could provide habitat to local species, just like natural kelp beds. NOAA researchers have partnered with kelp farmers in Kodiak to accomplish year two of this research project.
Determining Shark Ages with Eye Lenses
In a new project, scientists hope to learn more about age determination and maximum lifespan of Pacific sleeper sharks. Results of this study may offer valuable information to help us manage & determine conservation needs of Pacific sleeper sharks.
Enhancing Wild Red King Crab Populations Through Hatchery Rearing & Release
Scientists examine effects of release timing and size-at-release on the survival of hatchery-reared red king crab juveniles.
Looking Under the Canopy: Do Alaska Kelp Farms Provide Habitat for Native Species?
NOAA's Dr. Laferriere launched a research project to determine how a seaweed farm might provide habitat for local fish species by comparing the fish species present in a kelp farm to those in natural kelp beds.
What Does it Mean to Have Whale SENSE?
Watching whales in their natural habitat is an incredible experience—but it must be done in a way that doesn't disturb or harm them. Learn how to find a whale watching company that is committed to safe and respectful whale-watching practices.
The Future of Fisheries: Unraveling the Effects of Climate Change in Alaska
Alaska's climate is changing. In the last five years, dramatic changes have affected marine life and the seafood we depend on. How will species respond? That's the main question that our specialized laboratory in Newport, Oregon, aims to answer.
Deep-Sea Corals and Sponge Habitat in the Aleutian Islands
Hear Christina Conrath, a research biologist with the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, recap some of the incredible diversity of life seen during deep-sea coral and sponge surveys in the Aleutian Islands during the summer of 2023.
Northern Bering and Chukchi Sea Food Chain, Ocean Warming, and Loss of Sea Ice
Historically sea ice has played a critical role in the functioning of the northern Bering Sea ecosystem. Scientists are looking at how this marine ecosystem has changed over the last 20 years. Their study may help answer these questions.
EcoFOCI: Forecasting Fisheries in a Warming Alaska
EcoFOCI is an innovative program that studies early life stages of fish and their prey, together with oceanographic conditions. The goal is to understand the effect of climate change on fisheries and ecosystems.
The DriX: A New Uncrewed Surface Vehicle to Support Fisheries Surveys
In the winter of 2022-2023, the DriX, a new uncrewed surface vehicle, was delivered & tested in preparation for field trials this summer during an acoustic-trawl fisheries survey in Alaska. Stay tuned for more information coming in the fall of 2023.
EcoFOCI Overview - Short
NOAA scientists are at the forefront of detecting regional and global climate change and its impacts on Alaska’s marine ecosystems. The EcoFOCI program, with its history of field and lab studies, helps us respond to our changing climate and ocean.
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