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The DriX: A New Uncrewed Surface Vehicle to Support Fisheries Surveys
In the winter of 2022-2023, the DriX, a new uncrewed surface vehicle, was delivered & tested in preparation for field trials this summer during an acoustic-trawl fisheries survey in Alaska. Stay tuned for more information coming in the fall of 2023.
Do Alaskan Kelp Farms Provide Habitat For Animals?
NOAA researchers are investigating whether seaweed farms in Alaska could provide habitat to local species, just like natural kelp beds. NOAA researchers have partnered with kelp farmers in Kodiak to accomplish year two of this research project.
Northern Bering and Chukchi Sea Food Chain, Ocean Warming, and Loss of Sea Ice
Historically sea ice has played a critical role in the functioning of the northern Bering Sea ecosystem. Scientists are looking at how this marine ecosystem has changed over the last 20 years. Their study may help answer these questions.