Recreational Saltwater Fishing: Know Before You Go
A quick explanation of the rules for recreational saltwater fishing in federal waters.
Atlantic Recreational Shark Fishing: Handling and Release of Sharks
Prohibited shark identification, including dusky and other ridgeback sharks, and tips for safe handling and release. Includes information on permitting and regulations for recreational shark fishing in the Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and the Caribbean.
Down Scope: Saving Snapper & Grouper from Barotrauma
Reef fish in the South Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, like snapper and grouper, suffer from barotrauma when brought to the surface, and many die. But these fish can survive when released at depth using fish descenders. See how easy they are to use.
National Saltwater Recreational Fisheries Policy
Saltwater recreational fishing is an important thread in the social, cultural, and economic fabric of coastal communities. NOAA is committed to fostering and enhancing sustainable, high quality recreational fisheries and public access to them.
Recompression Devices: Helping Anglers Fish Smarter
The survival rates of caught and released deep sea fish are low because of a condition known as “barotrauma”. Learn how NOAA Fisheries and partners in the recreational fishing community are working together to address this problem.
Better Fishing, Better Data - How We Count Your Catch
Learn how recreational anglers play a critical role in ensuring sustainable fisheries through participation in fishing surveys and interviews. The results of these surveys, in combination with other data, determine the health of recreational fisherie
Sustainable Sport Fishing for Thresher Sharks
NOAA Fisheries scientists are working shoulder to shoulder with anglers off the coast of Southern California to find science based solutions to equip recreational anglers with the information they need to address today's conservation challenges.
On The Water Science: California Fishermen + NOAA Scientists
NOAA Scientists and San Diego fishermen combine expertise and tools to research and understand depleted groundfish in the Southern California Bight.