Electronic Vessel Trip Reporting in the Greater Atlantic Region
Starting November 2021, NOAA Fisheries will require electronic vessel trip reporting in the Greater Atlantic region. Learn about the requirements and how to make your reporting easier and more efficient with our Fish Online app.
Northeast Surveys: The Fisheries We Count On
Each year, the Northeast Fisheries Science Center conducts multiple surveys at sea to understand how fish stocks and the marine ecosystem is changing over time. Go behind the scenes on our bottom trawl, sea scallop, and ecosystems monitoring surveys!
Northeast Fisheries Science Center: Where Marine Traditions and Science Meet
There is a place where history and science come together, where people's love of the ocean is matched only by their desire to serve. Welcome to the Northeast Fisheries Science Center!
Sandy Hook 101
A summary video that briefly outlines the research, partnerships, outreach, location, and education at the NOAA James J. Howard Marine Sciences Lab at Sandy Hook, New Jersey
Video Image Analytics for the Marine Environment
This video uses new software called Video Image Analytics for the Marine Environment (VIAME). It helps us automate the detection and identification of fish species seen in the videos—similar to facial recognition software.
The Indus River Dolphin: A Redefined Species
For years, many have raised a question about whether river dolphins in South Asia—which live on either side of Indian sub-continent—are the same species or different species. New analysis by an international team has answered this once and for all.
Whale Shark Tagging
Video of NOAA scientist Eric Hoffmayer tagging a whale shark.
Combing the Deep: NOAA's Discovery of a New Ctenophore
On an underwater expedition off the coast of Puerto Rico in 2015, led by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, scientists discovered a new species of comb jelly. It is the first species solely identified through high-definition video.
UAS Surveys of Northern Fur Seals on Bogoslof Island
In the summer of 2019, NOAA scientists counted fur seal pups on Bogoslof Island, an active volcano that last erupted in August, 2017. The team tested a new method using an UAS, which could revolutionize the way population abundance is estimated.
Deepwater Horizon: The Science Behind NOAA's Unprecedented Response
Lisa DiPinto, Senior Scientist with NOAA's Office of Response and Restoration, shares how NOAA went about the massive task of assessing the damage to the entire northern Gulf of Mexico ecosystem—finding more than 1,300 miles of shoreline were oiled.
Searching for Type D: A New Species of Killer Whale?
In January, 2019, an experienced group of killer whale biologists launched an expedition from the southern tip of Chile into some of the roughest waters in the world, searching for what could be a new species of killer whale.
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