Harbor Seal Monitoring in Puget Sound
NOAA researcher Harriet Huber studies harbor seas in Puget Sound and the population comeback after the passing of the Marine Mammal Protection Act in 1972.
Microworlds: What Do Marine Mammals Eat?
Microworlds is an award-winning series of three educational videos from the Microworlds series produced for the 5th grade Microworlds Science Unit. This episode follows marine mammal biologist, Tony Orr, who investigates the food habits of seals.
Fur Seal Migrations
Every year, northern fur seals migrate 6,000 miles round-trip from the Pribilof Islands in the Bering Sea . Learn about the scientists at NOAA who are tracking these seals on their incredible migrations, and where the seal's journeys take them.
Northern Fur Seals at Rookery, San Miguel Island, California
Research footage of northern fur seals at Point Bennett Rookery, located on San Miguel Island, California.