Pinto Abalone Restoration: Outplanting in March, 2011
Pinto abalone is a "species of concern" on the Pacific coast, and efforts are underway to help restore the population. This video shows that latest outplanting effort in March 2011, during which over 2000 abalone were released into Puget Sound.
Great American Surfclam
The surfclam fishery was the first to have a fishery management plan. Today, it is a successful fishery in the U.S. Monte Rome of Intershell International Corp. takes us on a tour of his surfclam processing facility.
How Do You Shuck An Oyster?
John Paul Sebatier and Johnny of Rappahannock Oyster Bar in Washington D.C. demonstrate the Chesapeake stab method of shucking oysters.
Sea Unseen: Carla Stehr's SEM Photography
Carla Stehr, a NOAA fisheries biologist in Seattle, is not only an electron microscopist, but an artist. In 2009, an exhibit of her photographs taken with a scanning electron microscope opened at the Seattle Aquarium. This is the companion video.
Voices from the Waterfront: Johnny Shockley, Chesapeake Oyster Farmer
Chesapeake Bay offers a rich resource and a prime habitat for oysters. Today, oyster farming is growing again in this region of Maryland, and the tradition of working on the water is being passed down through generations.
Derelict Crab Gear Recovery
This film tells the story of a Recovery Act project that employed fishermen in the off season to help remove derelict crab pots and other fishing gear along the Oregon Coast. Almost 3,000 crab pots and 150 metric tons of debris were removed.