Related videos for "north atlantic right whale"
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Injured North Atlantic Right Whale
North Atlantic right whale Juno and her injured calf swimming off Sapelo Island, Georgia in February 2024. The calf dives underwater, likely to nurse. Juno has scars from an entanglement and presumed boat strike. Credit: Georgia DNR/NOAA permit 24359
B-Roll: NOAA Disentanglement Efforts and Entangled Whales
Select footage of large whale disentanglement efforts by NOAA and whales entangled in fishing gear. Featured whale species include the North Atlantic right whale, humpback whale, and gray whale.
B-Roll: North Atlantic Right Whales with Calves
Select footage of North Atlantic right whale mothers and calves. Some clips include the mother and calf interacting with a pod of dolphins. All footage filmed off the southeast coast of the U.S. in February, 2019.