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Species in the Spotlight: Southern Resident Killer Whale
Southern Resident killer whales are one of NOAA Fisheries' Species in the Spotlight. What factors are contributing to this unique population's failure to thrive? Is there a plan for saving this endangered species? Watch the video for the answers.
B-Roll: DTAG Research and Vessel Traffic Near Southern Resident Killer Whales
Select footage of NOAA scientists affixing a DTAG to a Southern Resident killer whale and vessel traffic near killer whales in Puget Sound. Research conducted under NMFS-authorized ESA/MMPA permit.
B-Roll_Southern Resident Killer Whale Mother With New Calf
Southern Resident Killer Whale mother, L90, with her new calf, L128. This video was captured by joint a science team including SeaDoc Society, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, and NOAA Fisheries. Footage was taken on September 15 and 19, 2024.