B-Roll: Southern Resident Killer Whale J50– Aerials of Breath Sampling, Antibiotic Administration, J Pod; Salmon Release


August 10 & 12, 2018. Aerials of the response team on a skiff tracking J50 for the collection of a breath sample and antibiotic administration; aerials of J Pod swimming; topside footage of Chinook salmon release through tube as an evaluation.

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B-Roll: Southern Resident Killer Whale J50– Aerials of Breath Sampling, Antibiotic Administration, J Pod; Salmon Release

August 10 & 12, 2018. Aerials of the response team on a skiff tracking J50 for the collection of a breath sample and antibiotic administration; aerials of J Pod swimming; topside footage of Chinook salmon release through tube as an evaluation.

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