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Species in the Spotlight: Survive to Thrive
Of all the species that NOAA protects under the ESA, eight are considered the most at risk of extinction. The "Species in the Spotlight" initiative was implemented to stabilize these species with the goal that they will become candidates for recovery
Pinto Abalone Restoration: Outplanting in March, 2011
Pinto abalone is a "species of concern" on the Pacific coast, and efforts are underway to help restore the population. This video shows that latest outplanting effort in March 2011, during which over 2000 abalone were released into Puget Sound.
Abalone: A Forgotten California Treasure
Abalone are iconic part of California coastal history, but populations have declined so steeply that multiple species have been listed as endangered and current generation of Californian’s have forgotten about this coastal treasure.