Related videos for "north atlantic right whale"
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B-Roll: North Atlantic Right Whales with Calves
Select footage of North Atlantic right whale mothers and calves. Some clips include the mother and calf interacting with a pod of dolphins. All footage filmed off the southeast coast of the U.S. in February, 2019.
North Atlantic Right Whale: Stay 500 Yards Away!
Boaters and recreationers are reminded to back away from endangered right whales. Getting too close to endangered right whales may cause mothers and calves to become separated, with potentially deadly results.
North Atlantic Right Whale Skim Feeding
Right whales skim feed by opening their mouths while swimming at the water's surface. They use their baleen to filter out zooplankton. It’s illegal for vessels and humans to approach within 500 yards of this endangered species in U.S. waters.