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Hake Fisheries Observer: A Day in the Life
In the at-sea hake fishery (U.S. West Coast), fisheries observers collect data for NOAA’s use in fisheries management and advancing fishery science. This film highlights a day in the life of an observer working for NOAA’s At-Sea Hake Observer Program
B-Roll: SRKW New Calf (J55) & Dead Neonate, Observed on 1/18/2016
Select footage of a new killer whale calf (J55) born to the southern resident population. In the same encounter on January 18, 2016, scientists also witnessed J31, a 20-year old female, pushing a dead neonate calf.
Fishery Observers On Board
Fishery observers are biologists that undergo intense training to become fishery observers at sea on commercial fishing vessels. They collect vital information about the health of fish species, which is used to manage the U.S.'s valuable fish stocks.