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Deep-Sea Corals and Sponge Habitat in the Aleutian Islands
Hear Christina Conrath, a research biologist with the Alaska Fisheries Science Center, recap some of the incredible diversity of life seen during deep-sea coral and sponge surveys in the Aleutian Islands during the summer of 2023.
2012 West Coast deep-sea coral research cruise
In 2012 NOAA and partners participated in a research cruise off the West Coast to explore and map deep-sea corals and sponges, associated fish and invertebrates, and document impacts from marine debris and bottom contact fishing gear.
Corals Take a Ride on a 'Deep Sea Elevator' - Deepwater Horizon Restoration
A Deepwater Horizon restoration project is restoring corals in the Gulf of Mexico injured by the 2010 oil spill, using innovative techniques. The work is part of the Mesophotic Deep Benthic Communities portfolio of projects.