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Fish Life History: An Important Role in Fisheries Management
Understanding fish life histories—or how a fish ages, grows, and reproduces throughout its life—is key to sustainably managing fisheries. Learn how scientists determine a fish’s life history profile and how we can support healthy fish populations.
Salmon on the High Seas: Unlocking the Mysteries of Salmon in the North Pacific
Scientists are surveying the Gulf of Alaska to find out more about Pacific salmon (Chinook, Coho, sockeye, chum and pink salmon). The information they gather will help managers plan for changes these populations will face due to climate change.
Avian Predator captures Smolts
After sixteen hours, it was detected 30 kilometers upstream, leading researchers to believe it was consumed by a bird since it was not detected by any receivers along the way and the final transmitter location was near a cormorant roost.