Give Them Space: Right Whale Mother & Calf Interact with Dolphins
In February, 2019, scientists working under a federal research permit captured an amazing interaction between a group of bottlenose dolphins and a mother and calf North Atlantic right whale.
B-Roll: North Atlantic Right Whales with Calves
Select footage of North Atlantic right whale mothers and calves. Some clips include the mother and calf interacting with a pod of dolphins. All footage filmed off the southeast coast of the U.S. in February, 2019.
The Right Stuff: Regulations for Right Whales
North Atlantic right whales are one of the world’s most endangered large whale species, with only about 450 remaining. NOAA has developed regulations for boaters and fishermen to help protect these whales from vessel collisions and entanglements.
Teaming Up For Entangled Whales
In 2017, more than 70 whales were entangled in fishing gear/marine debris. NOAA Fisheries and its partners successfully disentangled 20 whales, increasing their chances of survival. For some species, this may significantly boost recovery.
B-Roll: NOAA Disentanglement Efforts and Entangled Whales
Select footage of large whale disentanglement efforts by NOAA and whales entangled in fishing gear. Featured whale species include the North Atlantic right whale, humpback whale, and gray whale.
Right Whale Disentanglement 06JAN17
This video documents the intense efforts to disentangle an endangered North Atlantic right whale from commercial fishing gear off Cumberland Island.
North Atlantic Right Whale PSA - Slow to 10 Knots
North Atlantic right whale 30-second Public Service Announcement for NE Florida and coastal Georgia.
U.S. Northeast Coast Marine Ecosystem
The Northeast Shelf Regional Ecosystem is highly productive, supporting important fisheries and other marine species. The pace of ocean/climate changes here is faster than in other regions, but new innovative activities addressing these challenges.
North Atlantic Right Whale: Slow to 10 Knots
Public service announcement for boaters in the Southeast to slow down to 10 knots for right whales.
B-Roll: Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales
B-Roll: North Atlantic Right Whales
Select footage of North Atlantic right whales off the coasts of Florida and Georgia. Footage includes adults and calfs.
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