B-roll: Fishing Gear Design
Go behind the scenes with the NEFSC gear design team and partners as they test gear designed to safeguard endangered whales and sea turtles.
B-Roll: Release of Hawaiian Monk Seal R7AF
NOAA Fisheries and partner, Hawaii Marine Animal Response, release a monk seal that was treated for fishing gear ingestion.
B-Roll: Disentangled Whale Off Kauaʻi
Raw footage from January 28, 2022, after a NOAA-led team freed an entangled humpback whale from 300–500 feet of trailing fishing line.
B-Roll: Entangled Humpback Whale Off Kauaʻi
Raw footage from January 16, 2022, as a NOAA-led team worked to free entangled humpback whale reported off Kauaʻi.
B-Roll: North Pacific Right Whales Near Kodiak Island
Select footage from two sightings of North Pacific right whales on August 21 and 24, 2021. Research conducted onboard the NOAA Ship Oscar Dyson under NMFS ESA/MMPA Permit #20465.
B-Roll: Assessment and Treatment of a Gray Whale
Select footage from a coordinated response to monitor a gray whale that may have developed an infection several months after being satellite tagged in Fall, 2020. New footage from June 15, 2021 shows the whale appears healthy and behaving normally.
B-Roll: Seafood Processing in the Northeast
Select footage of seafood being processed in the Northeast. Includes processing of ground fish, crabs, scallops and farm raised Atlantic salmon. Locations include Maine, Massachusetts, and Maryland.
B-Roll: Discovery of the Ctenophore Duobrachium sparksae
B-Roll of an underwater expedition off the coast of Puerto Rico in 2015, led by the NOAA Office of Ocean Exploration and Research, where a new species of comb jelly was discovered. It is the first species solely identified using high-def video.
B-Roll: Arctic Scenics for 2008 Mapping Mission
Select footage of a 2008 Mapping Mission in the Arctic Ocean, aboard the USCGC Healy, an ice breaker. Sea ice and a polar bear featured too.
B-Roll: Seafood, Cooking and Serving at Restaurants
Select footage of preparing, cooking, serving, and customers eating seafood at restaurants across the country from California to Florida. Fish Trax QR code seafood tracking featured as well.
B-Roll: Law Enforcement Marine Patrol in Washington
NOAA Office of Law Enforcement and Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife enforcement officers patrol the San Juan Islands. Select footage shows departure from Bellingham and inspecting a recreational crab fishing boat for license and legal catch.
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