B-Roll: Injured Right Whale Calf Remote Delivery of Antibiotics & Post-delivery Behavior
This video contains footage of an injured Right whale calf receiving a remote delivery of antibiotics via a crossbow fired dart. The second clip shows the calf's behavior, swimming with its mother "Derecha" after the delivery of the antibiotics.
B-Roll: Injured Right Whale Calf January 2020
Video of right whale calf and mom Derecha post antibiotics - observing swimming, behavior
B-Roll: White Abalone Outplanting in Southern California
Select underwater and topside footage from first-ever outplanting of endangered white abalone into their natural habitat. Animals were raised in hatcheries and outplanted off the coast of San Diego and Los Angeles in November, 2019.
B-Roll: Law Enforcement Bust of Illegal Seafood Labeling
Crab Scam Results in Guilty Pleas: Casey’s Seafood in Newport News, Virginia. Management and employees conspired to falsely label imported crab meat and re-sell it to grocery stores. The five-year-long scam amounted to a wholesale value of $4.3M.
B-Roll: Northern Fur Seal Research on Bogoslof Island
Select footage of northern fur seal research on Bogoslof Island, an active volcano that erupted from December 2016 - August 2017. This footage was taken August 12-16, 2019, along with some reference match frames that were filmed on July 12, 2005.
B-Roll: Hawkfish, Dragon Moray, and Parrotfish
Select footage or arceye and blackside hawkfish, dragon morays, and spectacled parrotfish in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands. Locations include Maro Reef, Kure Atoll, and Midway Island.
B-Roll: Type D Killer Whale Discovery and Sampling
Select footage from an expedition off Cape Horn, Chile that documented a new type of killer whale with different appearance. Researchers obtained a tiny bit of tissue/blubber that will allow them to determine if the “Type D” whales are a new species.
B-Roll: North Atlantic Right Whales with Calves
Select footage of North Atlantic right whale mothers and calves. Some clips include the mother and calf interacting with a pod of dolphins. All footage filmed off the southeast coast of the U.S. in February, 2019.
B-Roll: DTAG Research and Vessel Traffic Near Southern Resident Killer Whales
Select footage of NOAA scientists affixing a DTAG to a Southern Resident killer whale and vessel traffic near killer whales in Puget Sound. Research conducted under NMFS-authorized ESA/MMPA permit.
B-Roll: NOAA Disentanglement Efforts and Entangled Whales
Select footage of large whale disentanglement efforts by NOAA and whales entangled in fishing gear. Featured whale species include the North Atlantic right whale, humpback whale, and gray whale.
B-Roll: Southern Resident Killer Whale J50 Feeding Trials
August 12, 2018. Live Chinook salmon feeding trials for J50.
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