B-Roll: Southern Resident Killer Whale J50– Aerials of Breath Sampling, Antibiotic Administration, J Pod; Salmon Release
August 10 & 12, 2018. Aerials of the response team on a skiff tracking J50 for the collection of a breath sample and antibiotic administration; aerials of J Pod swimming; topside footage of Chinook salmon release through tube as an evaluation.
B-Roll: Southern Resident Killer Whale J50 - Antibiotic Injection Prep & Breath Sampling
August 9, 2018. Approach of killer whale J50 from the J Pod for antibiotic injection and breath sampling. Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington, USA
B-Roll: Southern Resident Killer Whale J50 - Tracking by Researchers
July 21, 2018. Approach of killer whale J50 from the J Pod for breath sampling. Puget Sound, Seattle, Washington, USA
B-Roll: Halibut Recreational Fishing
Charter boat recreational fishing for halibut in the Gulf of Alaska.
B-Roll: Halibut Commercial Catch Offload
1:53 mins. Juneau, Alaska. Commercial catch offload.
B-roll: Saildrones Launch on Fisheries Mission
NOAA scientists joined in launching two Saildrones from Neah Bay on June 26, 2018, to find out if they can improve fisheries surveys off the West Coast. This is a partnership between NOAA Fisheries, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, and Saildrone, Inc.
B-Roll: NOAA Ship Reuben Lasker
Select footage of the NOAA Ship Reuben Lasker sailing and conducting acoustic multibeam surveys near Catalina Island.
B-Roll: Dungeness Crabs
Select footage of Dungeness crabs (Metacarcinus magister) in shallow waters of Puget Sound and the North Pacific Ocean.
B-Roll: Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Research
Select footage of aerial photogrammetry research in Cook Inlet beluga whales using a hexacopter drone, and beluga whales in Cook Inlet.
B-Roll: Atlantic Blue Marlin
NOAA researchers satellite tagging Atlantic blue marlin in Veracruz, Mexico.
B-Roll: Atlantic Salmon
Underwater footage of adult and parr Atlantic salmon. Filmed in Maine.
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