Gliders: Collecting Data on Ocean Health
NOAA Fisheries traditionally uses ships to collect data on ocean health. Now, we’re using gliders to expand our research. They can be deployed for longer times, collecting data in inaccessible areas—like Antarctica—at a lower cost than ships.
Listening for Whales
Passive acoustic monitoring uses sound to study the ocean. It’s one tool NOAA Fisheries uses to track North Atlantic right whales and other marine mammals so we can learn about and protect them. New technologies can track whales in near real-time.
Local Communities Restore Hawaii Coral Reefs
NOAA and Kuleana Coral Restoration are partnering to restore coral reefs in Hawaii. The program is helping train Native Hawaiians and community members in coral reef restoration and helping them get jobs in the marine science field.
How to Resuscitate a Sea Turtle
Knowing what to do if a turtle is caught is key to minimizing injury and death. By following these guidelines, you could save a turtle's life. For Chinese subtitles, click the CC button. For audio voiceover in Mandarin, click the Audio Track button.
Welcome to Salmon Country: California’s Central Valley
The Central Valley has a rich salmon culture. Join us as we talk with community members and learn how they connect with Central Valley salmon. Select Video Footage Courtesy of: Winnemem Wintu Tribe California Department of Fish and Wildlife
What Does it Mean to Have Whale SENSE?
Watching whales in their natural habitat is an incredible experience—but it must be done in a way that doesn't disturb or harm them. Learn how to find a whale watching company that is committed to safe and respectful whale-watching practices.
Swinomish Indian Tribal Community Clam Garden
NOAA helped the Swinomish Indian Tribal Community build the first modern clam garden in the United States. It will provide food for the community, and provide environmental diversity that’s important in the face of climate change.
The Future of Fisheries: Unraveling the Effects of Climate Change in Alaska
Alaska's climate is changing. In the last five years, dramatic changes have affected marine life and the seafood we depend on. How will species respond? That's the main question that our specialized laboratory in Newport, Oregon, aims to answer.
Reintroductions: A Lifeline for Salmon in California’s Central Valley
Dams with no fish passage have trapped salmon on the floor of California's Central Valley. To avoid extinction as our planet warms, reintroductions to their historical high-elevation habitat may be the answer to save these endangered fish.
EcoFOCI: Forecasting Fisheries in a Warming Alaska
EcoFOCI is an innovative program that studies early life stages of fish and their prey, together with oceanographic conditions. The goal is to understand the effect of climate change on fisheries and ecosystems.
The DriX: A New Uncrewed Surface Vehicle to Support Fisheries Surveys
In the winter of 2022-2023, the DriX, a new uncrewed surface vehicle, was delivered & tested in preparation for field trials this summer during an acoustic-trawl fisheries survey in Alaska. Stay tuned for more information coming in the fall of 2023.
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