Salmon on the High Seas: Unlocking the Mysteries of Salmon in the North Pacific
Scientists are surveying the Gulf of Alaska to find out more about Pacific salmon (Chinook, Coho, sockeye, chum and pink salmon). The information they gather will help managers plan for changes these populations will face due to climate change.
NEFSC Gear Research Series: Better Gear By Design
The Northeast Fisheries Science Center's Gear Research group works with fishermen to design, test, and modify fishing gear. They've found ways to protect endangered sea turtles and marine mammals while maintaining the target species catch.
NEFSC Gear Research Series: Lose the Rope, Give Whales Hope
Ropeless or on-demand technologies offer a potential solution for whales and other protected species that can become entangled in traditional lobster traps and crab pots. Find out what ropeless is all about from the NEFSC gear research team!
Get to Know Your Pacific Islands Threatened Species: Giant Manta Rays
Giant manta rays are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Get to know more about this species in this fun, short video.
Get to Know Your Pacific Islands Endangered Species: Hawksbill Sea Turtles
The hawksbill sea turtles of Hawai'i are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act. Get to know more about this species in this fun, short video.
Get to Know Your Pacific Islands Threatened Species: Oceanic Whitetip Sharks
Oceanic whitetip sharks are listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Get to know more about this species in this fun, short video.
Lose the Loop!
This video describes what happens to lost and discarded trash and how it can attract the attention of sea lions and seals that can become entangled in it, suffer, and die. There are 3 things we can all do to help right now.
A Rule of Thumb for Viewing Hawaiian Monk Seals
Enjoying Hawaiian monk seals from a distance is easy with this simple rule of thumb!
NEFSC Gear Research Series: Going Low to Reduce Sea Turtle Bycatch
Working with fishermen across the East Coast, Northeast Fisheries Science Center researchers tested a new fishing gear design that reduces the chance of catching sea turtles in gillnets. Luckily they had underwater cameras to see how it works!
Listening for Whales: North Pacific Right Whale Research in the Gulf of Alaska
Jessica Crance describes observing, and listening to, North Pacific right whales in the Gulf of Alaska.
Atlantic Salmon Animation
Endangered Atlantic salmon are a Species in the Spotlight. Learn about the threats facing Atlantic salmon, and about what you can do to help protect and restore Atlantic salmon and their ecosystems.
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