Species in the Spotlight: Sacramento River Winter-Run Chinook
The Sacramento River system is home to the only winter-run Chinook salmon in the world. This unique population is cut off from its historical spawning and rearing habitat, and faces many other threats, but efforts are underway to help it recover.
Slow Zones for Right Whales
North Atlantic right whales are one of the most endangered large whale species. Collisions with vessels are one of the major threats these animals face. NOAA has announced Right Whale Slow Zones to help reduce the risk of vessel strikes.
Saving a Humpback Whale: A Disentanglement Tale
Monday, July 27th began a 4-day effort by trained responders to disentangle a humpback whale from submerged fishing gear near New York City. Multiple partners brought expertise and large boats to haul the heavy gear up and free the whale.
Searching for Type D: A New Species of Killer Whale?
In January, 2019, an experienced group of killer whale biologists launched an expedition from the southern tip of Chile into some of the roughest waters in the world, searching for what could be a new species of killer whale.
Species in the Spotlight: North Atlantic Right Whale
Facing a variety of man-made threats, North Atlantic right whales were listed under the Endangered Species Act in 1970. Once the right whale to hunt, these giants are now the right whales to save.
NOAA Fisheries and the Endangered Species Act
The Endangered Species Act was established in 1973 to conserve threatened and endangered species and their ecosystems. NOAA Fisheries works every day to protect, conserve, and recover our nation's marine life under the ESA.
Go Slow: Sea Turtles Below
See how Brian Stacy, a veterinarian who works with the National Sea Turtle Program, examines sea turtle health, welfare, and mortality. Part of his work involves investigating causes of sea turtle strandings, which are often caused by vessel strikes.
Reducing Bycatch Helps Restore Sea Turtle Populations
Bycatch—animals accidentally caught while people are fishing for other species—is the biggest threat to sea turtles in the ocean. This project is helping reduce sea turtle bycatch and restoring their populations after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.
Species in the Spotlight: Central California Coast Coho Salmon
Central California Coast coho make up the southern-most population of salmon in the U.S., inhabiting rivers and streams north and south of San Francisco Bay. These fish are in danger of extinction, but efforts are underway to bring them back.
Endangered Coho Salmon Released into Pescadero Creek
After years of collaboration on habitat restoration, and with the support of local landowners, 10,000 juvenile coho salmon were released into Pescadero Creek in northern California in November 2020.
Give Them Space: Right Whale Mother & Calf Interact with Dolphins
In February, 2019, scientists working under a federal research permit captured an amazing interaction between a group of bottlenose dolphins and a mother and calf North Atlantic right whale.
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