The DriX: A New Uncrewed Surface Vehicle to Support Fisheries Surveys
In the winter of 2022-2023, the DriX, a new uncrewed surface vehicle, was delivered & tested in preparation for field trials this summer during an acoustic-trawl fisheries survey in Alaska. Stay tuned for more information coming in the fall of 2023.
Climate Change & Habitat Loss: Fisheries at Risk
Habitat restoration experts discuss the challenges coastal habitats face from climate change and what NOAA is doing to address them
Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation & Vulnerability - Insights from NOAA Authors
NOAA authors discuss a large-scale report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, which describes how climate change is affecting the world’s human and natural systems. Nearly 300 of the world’s top scientists contributed to the report.
Our Climate & Our Fisheries: Join the Conversation
Climate change is causing significant impacts to our oceans, marine life, and ecosystems—and the communities and economies that depend on them. It affects every aspect of our mission. Find out how we are preparing and responding to these changes.
Habitat Restoration at NOAA: 25 Years
Restoring wetlands, rivers, or corals reefs from natural or human-induced degradation is the focus of NOAA's Restoration Center, which is celebrating it's 25th year in existence.
Treasuring the Choptank: Residents and Scientists Envision a Healthier Chesapeake Bay
On Maryland's Eastern Shore, NOAA and partners are conducting science, restoring habitat, and working with community organizations to help residents develop and implement their vision for a healthy Choptank River.
Repairing the Reef: West Hawai’i Focuses on Habitat
On Hawai’i Island, NOAA is partnering with The Nature Conservancy, local communities, government agencies, non-profit organizations and businesses to restore habitat and improve coral reef health along with other natural and cultural resources.
Discover the Deep-Sea Corals of Maine
Scientists with NOAA Fisheries discover deep-sea coral gardens close to shore (25 miles) and shallow (700 feet). Unknown until 2014, these Gulf of Maine spots abound with corals, cod, and a snapping goosefish. Look out!
Restoring Native Shellfish: The Kenneth K. Chew Shellfish Hatchery
The Olympia oyster is the only oyster species native to the Pacific Northwest coast of the U.S. Populations are down and habitat is depleted for these oysters, and this new native shellfish hatchery has come online to help recover their populations.
Healthy Habitat: The Foundation of America's Seafood and Fisheries
Healthy habitat is the foundation of our nation's seafood and fisheries. Habitat provides important feeding and breeding grounds for fish and protected species and without healthy habitat, we cannot sustain the fisheries that will feed Americans now.
Renewed Passage: Buzzards Bay to the Acushnet River
Learn how NOAA Fisheries and its partners installed a "nature-like" fishway on the Acushnet River in Massachusetts to improve habitat and help migrating herring access prime spawning grounds.
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